Many families place their elderly loved ones in a nursing home to ensure their care and safety. Unfortunately, many nursing home residents suffer injuries due to staff neglect.
One of the most common injuries resulting from nursing home neglect are bedsores, which can develop on a resident’s heels, elbows, tailbone, buttocks or other parts of the body. Sadly, these injuries can be a result of failing to do a simple task: repositioning an immobile patient.
How does repositioning help avoid bedsores?
Bedsores are injuries to skin and underlying tissues resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin. By repositioning, or regularly changing a patient’s position, caregivers can reduce the amount of continuous pressure on any one area of the body. This allows blood to circulate properly and decrease the risk of tissue breakdown.
Why do nursing home staff fail to reposition patients?
There are several reasons why caregivers in nursing homes fail to reposition patients, resulting in bedsore injuries. For one, there may not be enough staff members to attend to patients requiring repositioning. Best practices suggests that nursing home staff reposition residents with limited mobility every few hours when in bed and more so when in a chair. When there are insufficient staff, repositioning may not be as frequent or could be skipped entirely.
Your loved one shouldn’t suffer
Nursing home neglect can take many forms, which can lead to injuries or worsening health conditions. This is not what you would expect when you first placed your loved one in a nursing home.
If you suspect that your loved one is suffering from neglect in a nursing home, it is crucial to take immediate action. Reaching out to a legal professional who specializes in injuries resulting from nursing home neglect can help you gain advice on how to proceed.