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How can vehicle collisions lead to traumatic brain injuries?

On Behalf of | Jul 27, 2024 | Car Accidents

Most motorists may not be aware that vehicle accidents are one of the prevalent causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). A TBI can either be “nothing more” than a mild concussion or be severe enough to affect a vehicle accident survivor’s bodily functions forever.

It can help motorists to understand how these injuries occur as a result of car accidents. This way, they can make proactive efforts to minimize their occurrence in the unfortunate event of an accident. Exploring the mechanics of TBIs can also improve recovery efforts.

Impact and sudden deceleration

One way that individuals can sustain a TBI in a car accident is from sudden impact and deceleration, especially in a high-speed collision. When vehicles collide, they stop abruptly. However, since the brain is suspended in cerebrospinal fluid inside the skull, it stays in motion due to the ongoing momentum before the crash. The brain’s movement while the body comes to a crashing stop can cause it to collide with the inside of the skull. Survivors may experience internal bleeding, a contusion or shearing of brain tissue.

Rotational forces

Many people would be surprised to learn that car accident survivors can sustain TBIs, even in accidents where there is no direct impact on the head. For example, when an individual gets involved in a rear-end collision, the impact on the vehicle can cause their head to snap back and forth violently.

This forceful motion can apply rotational forces to the brain and cause diffuse axonal injury (DAI). This injury affects the nerves that transmit signals throughout the brain. For this reason, survivors may experience significant cognitive and physical impairments.

Penetrating injuries

When a car accident is severe, objects can pierce through the skull and into the brain. The entry location in penetration injuries will determine the region of the brain that’s affected. This, in turn, will determine the symptoms the accident survivor may experience. Penetrating brain injuries can cause localized deficits, such as loss of motor function, speech difficulties or sensory impairments.

Accident survivors who sustain TBIs shouldn’t shy away from pursuing the compensation they deserve. Seeking appropriate legal guidance can help ensure that victims of accidents that were not their fault are able to secure financial relief as they recover from devastating injuries.