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5 common injuries stemming from car crashes

On Behalf of | Aug 9, 2022 | Car Accidents

Automobile collisions happen every day all over the United States. There are several types of injuries that are common in these crashes due to the forces involved.

The impact of a crash is likely to cause at least minor injuries, but in high-speed crashes, the chances are that you or someone you love will be seriously hurt or killed. What should you expect? Here are five of the most common kinds of injuries seen in serious collisions.

  1. Brain injuries
  2. Spinal cord injuries
  3. Broken bones
  4. Eye injuries
  5. Whiplash

If you suffer from any of these injuries, getting medical care and the support you need is essential.

Brain injuries

The first common kind of injury seen is a brain injury. Brain injuries come in a few forms, but they happen when the head is jarred or impacts part of the vehicle. These injuries can range from minor concussions to major brain bleeds.

Spinal cord injuries

Spinal cord injuries are possible in a crash due to slipped discs, ruptured vertebrae and other issues. These can lead to chronic pain, paralysis and other issues.

Broken bones

Broken bones are common in automobile accidents. If a driver was holding the wheel, they might see broken bones in the hands or arms. Cracked ribs, broken legs and other broken bones can also occur.

Eye injuries

Eye injuries are possible when the airbag deploys and if debris impacts the eyes in the vehicle. Hitting your head on the steering wheel can also lead to serious eye injuries or broken bones around the eye.


Finally, one of the most common injuries is whiplash. Whiplash happens when the head is whipped back and forth or side to side, and this leads to torn and strained muscles, ligaments and tendons in the neck. It’s an extremely common condition, and even low-impact crashes can cause it.

If you have been involved in a crash, understand that you have a right to seek medical care. You need to see a doctor to make sure you address underlying injuries and get on the road to recovery. After you’re stable, you can begin looking into making a claim for compensation.